Femme Fatale of Dalmatey’s Spot (Carola Adams)

TCJ's Spirit of SpottedWondr (Kelly Amos)

SpottedWondr's Hansom Legend (Kelly Amos)

SpotWdr N Element Princess Heir (Kelly Amos)

Highgate's Storm Tracker (Dara Ashton)

Now-U-C Sergeant Pepper On Duty (Brent Bard)

Shenandal's Imagine The Joy (Sharon Debor)

Shenandal's Believe In The Joy (Sharon Debor)

Woodwynd Tequiza at the Hardrock (Mary Lynn Jensen & Danielle LeVangie)

Stone Hill’s Good to Be King (Linda Kaufman)

Martodal’s Royal Timbit (Tony & Margaret Lefebvre)

Hardrock Wdwynd Tragically Hip (Danielle LeVangie & Mary Lynn Jensen)

Dalaussies Dancing Dice (Charlene Maines) 1988 First Versatility Title Awarded

Dalaltas Reflecting Dalaussie (Charlene Maines & Terry K Olsen)

Bellwether & Patch Mt Charles Windsor (Cathy Steven)

Beachcombers Final Answer (Elizabeth Zedel)

Beachcombers Liquorice (Elizabeth Zedel)